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Let’s talk.

Oct 5, 2020

3 min read




The world is a scary place, But that’s how the world works right? On the fear of people You see there are categories of fear, First, we fear things like insects, animals, and bullies, not so scary right? Next, we fear Death, Killers, and Rapists Basically what people call their worst fears what could be worse than these things? It would be when we are not scared of these things or any things for that matter. Those of us who have not experienced this are lucky but at the same time, we need to understand what they experience. I am of course speaking of mental illnesses and I already know that many people do not want to continue reading because it is taboo to talk about such things in many cultures and regions.

But if you have been brave enough to read on then I ask you to do this: Close your eyes and picture this, not as a dream but a real-life scenario, It is dark and you are in the place you go to every day, It may be your school, your workplace or even your house. But today something is different. You do not feel good. You can not bring yourself to smile and you have morbid thoughts in your head which you can not shake off even if you try. But the thing is you do not even want to try. People around you keep asking what is wrong with you but since you yourself don’t know, you can not tell them. Even though you are doing everything that you are supposed to do you feel useless and when someone calls you out about it you get frustrated. You feel like you have let people down and it only gets worse at night but if you thought the darkest it got was at night, you were wrong. Now when your mind is the scariest monster you know, you understand that something is seriously wrong with you and you need to get help. So when it does not stop for a few days you do your research and find out that you might be going through the symptoms of a mental illness. You tell the person you are closest to and they shush you and tell you that you are being unrealistic because when you are physically fine and there is nothing is wrong with your body you are not ill. You explain that this is different and they ask if anything traumatic happened in the past, If were you raped, kidnapped or threatened at any point in time. When you say no they tell you that nothing is wrong and that you are probably just a little sad or something, so you should just get over it. So what now? What would you do? You can not tell anyone else because a) you are scared of their reaction and b) although no one will help with your problem they will gossip and tell people you are crazy So that’s it, You are stuck within the confines of your mind and the narrow mentality of this society. This, however, seems like a horrible nightmare which you will wake up from and be happy again. but you do not, and now you are afraid that you may never get rid of this looming sadness.

Does this scare you? Living in this state for years together? If it does then all I have to say to you is Welcome to reality. This is what so many people go through every day of their life and this is just one symptom of one illness.

We do not feel comfortable talking about this issue so we never do. Talking about it can not only make us feel comfortable about the issue but it can also make people going through these more comfortable to confess what they have been going through. This world is full of sad people and making them feel comfortable about it is the first step to a happier world.

People Talk. And Talk and Talk, Apparently about everything but what is important. We talk about what people are wearing and what they are doing, we talk about what someone said ages ago and how someone else reacted to it. We also we listen to the grapevine at school and to all the gossip at work and duly pass it on.

So we get on our phones and text or tweet about everything. While I am all for people shutting up, sometimes this is different. Just this once I tell you, No I plead with you to talk about this.

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